Am I a Sex Addict? - a brief questionnaire
* Do you frequently regret your sexual activities?
* Do parts of your sex life strongly contravene your values and leave you feeling shame about them?
* Are you pre-occupied with sex or porn to the extent that you are unable to concentrate on important things at times?
* Do you spend excessive amounts of time on your sex life, such as searching for sex in apps or online viewing of porn images, films or webcams?
* Do you avoid getting emotionally involved with sexual partners, preferring anonymity to intimacy?
* Have others expressed concern about your sexual activities?
* Do you lie to others about your sexual activities?
* Do you find yourself increasingly drawn towards more extreme or abusive sexual images or activities?
* Do you use sex or sexual fantasy to change the way you feel when you are bored, stressed, angry, sad or depressed?
* Have your sexual activities got you into trouble with the law?
* Has your sexual behaviour given you financial problems due to excessive amounts of money spent on sex workers, saunas or pornography?
* Have you accessed pornography on your employer's or family computers?
* Do you put yourself at risk of sexually transmitted diseases by unsafe sexual practices?
* Have you lost, or risked losing, important relationships due to sex with others besides a committed partner?
* Have you promised yourself you will stop, yet been unable to stop, your sexual behaviours despite the risk of financial, relationship or health consequences?
* Do parts of your sex life strongly contravene your values and leave you feeling shame about them?
* Are you pre-occupied with sex or porn to the extent that you are unable to concentrate on important things at times?
* Do you spend excessive amounts of time on your sex life, such as searching for sex in apps or online viewing of porn images, films or webcams?
* Do you avoid getting emotionally involved with sexual partners, preferring anonymity to intimacy?
* Have others expressed concern about your sexual activities?
* Do you lie to others about your sexual activities?
* Do you find yourself increasingly drawn towards more extreme or abusive sexual images or activities?
* Do you use sex or sexual fantasy to change the way you feel when you are bored, stressed, angry, sad or depressed?
* Have your sexual activities got you into trouble with the law?
* Has your sexual behaviour given you financial problems due to excessive amounts of money spent on sex workers, saunas or pornography?
* Have you accessed pornography on your employer's or family computers?
* Do you put yourself at risk of sexually transmitted diseases by unsafe sexual practices?
* Have you lost, or risked losing, important relationships due to sex with others besides a committed partner?
* Have you promised yourself you will stop, yet been unable to stop, your sexual behaviours despite the risk of financial, relationship or health consequences?
* Has this pattern persisted over a period of six moths or more?
If your answers to these questions raise concerns for You, it may indicate a sexual addiction.
If your answers to these questions raise concerns for You, it may indicate a sexual addiction.
I would recommend an assessment to answer your concerns where I could propose a way forward for you.